There is no formal membership. Join our Discord (link above), show up to meetings when they occur, or get involved in projects.
We stopped in person meetings when the pandemic shut everything down, formal meetings have not restarted, but there may be informal gatherings, check the Discord, when we resume formal in person meetings we will update the website.
DC757/948 does not condone, promote, or facilitate the commission of illegal acts. While the term ‘hacker’ is commonly used by media outlets to describe cyber criminals, members of DC757/948, as well as DEF CON itself, focus on utilizing their knowledge and experience for non-evil, be it for good or pure curiosity.
YES! DC757's mission is to provide a place that promotes camaraderie, learning opportunities, mentorship, and resources to people of any age, background, and skill level who are interested in technology and/or information security. DC757 wishes to provide an environment where members can learn, ask questions, and mentor others. We ask that all DC757 members be inclusive, respectful, and considerate of others. We expect members to exercise integrity when giving advice to others. DC757 does NOT condone illegal or harmful activities to include the denial, degradation, or disruption of systems.